Pedro Wirz
„La Fin de Babylone. Mich wundert, dass ich so fröhlich bin!“, 2017
Installation View
Skulpturpark Köln #9, Cologne
„Trilobites“, 2013/2017
Skulpturenpark Köln
Exhibition view, 2019
Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin
Photo: Simon Vogel
Exhibition view, 2019
Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Wet Transistor (1)”, 2019
Blown glass, cast bronze, textile debris, beeswax, wire, and soil on iron support
170 x 80 x 80 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Wet Transistor (1)”, 2019
Detail view, blown glass, cast bronze, textile debris, beeswax, wire, and soil on iron support
170 x 80 x 80 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Wet Transistor (4)”, 2019
Blown glass, cast bronze, textile debris, beeswax, wire, and soil on iron support
170 x 80 x 80 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Wet Transistor (3)”, 2019
Blown glass, cast bronze, textile debris, beeswax, wire, and soil on iron support
170 x 80 x 80 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Wet Transistor (2)”, 2019
Blown glass, cast bronze, textile debris, beeswax, wire, and soil on iron support
170 x 80 x 80 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
Exhibition view, 2019
Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung V”, 2019
Bleached beeswax, soil, styrofoam, old clothing, and synthetic wool on wood construction
198 x 100 x 40 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung V”, 2019
Bleached beeswax, soil, styrofoam, old clothing, and synthetic wool on wood construction
198 x 100 x 40 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung V”, 2019
Detail view, bleached beeswax, soil, styrofoam, old clothing, and synthetic wool on wood construction
198 x 100 x 40 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung IV”, 2019
Beeswax, electronic junk, animal fur, textile debris, and plastic pipes on wood construction
100 x 50 x 25 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung IV”, 2019
Beeswax, electronic junk, animal fur, textile debris, and plastic pipes on wood construction
100 x 50 x 25 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung III”, 2019
Soil, beeswax, paper mache, textile debris, and acrylic paint on wood construction
200 x 166 x 60 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung III”, 2019
Detail view, soil, beeswax, paper mache, textile debris, and acrylic paint on wood construction
200 x 166 x 60 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Stau”, 2019
Wood, beeswax, fabric, and toys
35 x 25 x 5 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Stau”, 2019
Wood, beeswax, fabric, and toys
35 x 25 x 5 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung I”, 2019
Soil, beeswax, metallic poles, animal fur, textile debris, and acrylic paint on wood construction
198 x 100 x 30 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung I”, 2019
Soil, beeswax, metallic poles, animal fur, textile debris, and acrylic paint on wood construction
198 x 100 x 30 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Entsprechung I”, 2019
Detail view, soil, beeswax, metallic poles, animal fur, textile debris, and acrylic paint on wood construction
198 x 100 x 30 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Heaters”, 2019
Soil, styrofoam, wood glue, power cable
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Heaters”, 2019
Soil, styrofoam, wood glue, power cable
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Heaters”, 2019
Soil, styrofoam, fur, wood glue, power cable
Photo: Simon Vogel
„Ministério Morto (Dead Ministry)“, 2019
Soil, red clay, twigs, chicken wire, paper mache
27 x 24 cm (90 cm – plinth)
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Studio Pedro Wirz
„Ministério Morto (Dead Ministry)“, 2019
Soil, red clay, twigs, chicken wire, paper mache
27 x 24 cm (90 cm – plinth)
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Studio Pedro Wirz
„Saci Baldio“, 2019
Mix media on wood construction
100 x 60 x 25 cm
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Studio Pedro Wirz
„Saci Baldio“, 2019
Mix media on wood construction
100 x 60 x 25 cm
Photo: Studio Pedro Wirz
„Leihmutter“, 2019
Mixmedia auf Holzkonstruktion
190 x 100 x 15 cm
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Studio Pedro Wirz
„Leihmutter“, 2019
Mixmedia auf Holzkonstruktion
190 x 100 x 15 cm
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Martina Flury Witschi
„Consoantes Líquidas (Flüssige Konsonanten)“, 2019
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Martina Flury Witschi
„Consoantes Líquidas (Flüssige Konsonanten)“, 2019
Exhibition view
„a curbing wall of debrislandfilling“, 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal
Photo: Martina Flury Witschi
„A curbing wall of debris \nesting“, 2019
Exhibition view, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (F)
Photo: Margot Montigny
„A curbing wall of debris \nesting“, 2019
Exhibition view, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (F)
Photo: Margot Montigny
„A curbing wall of debris \nesting“, 2019
Exhibition view, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (F)
Photo: Margot Montigny
„Mãe do Ouro (Gold’s Mother“), 2018
Black soil (humus), twigs, wood glue, plaster,
burnt ceramics, wire.
50 x 120 x 50 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Mãe do Ouro (Gold’s Mother“), 2018
Black soil (humus), twigs, wood glue, plaster,
burnt ceramics, wire.
50 x 120 x 50 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Mãe do Ouro (Gold’s Mother“), 2018
Black soil (humus), twigs, wood glue, plaster,
burnt ceramics, wire.
50 x 120 x 50 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Mãe do Ouro (Gold’s Mother“), 2018
Black soil (humus), twigs, wood glue, plaster,
burnt ceramics, wire.
50 x 120 x 50 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Mãe do Ouro (Gold’s Mother“), 2018
Black soil (humus), twigs, wood glue, plaster,
burnt ceramics, wire.
50 x 120 x 50 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)“, 2017
Latex, fabric, organic material
each ca. 19 x 14 x 14 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)“, 2017
Latex, fabric, organic material
each ca. 19 x 14 x 14 cm
Photo: Alex Kern
„My home is my dinner“, 2018
Humus (black soil), wood glue, Styrofoam, chicken wire, bee wax cast, bronze cast, plaster cast, acrylic paint
300 x 150 x 150 cm
„Glyphsetters (Pescador de Serpentes)“, 2017
Cast bronze
60 x 30 x 30 cm
Installation view
„JUNGE AKADEMIE – AGORA ARTES, Stipendiatenausstellung“, 2018
Akademie der Künste, Berlin
Pedro Wirz
„My home is my dinner“, 2018
Humus (black soil), wood glue, Styrofoam, chicken wire, bee wax cast, bronze cast, plaster cast, acrylic paint
300 x 150 x 150 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
„My home is my dinner“, 2018
Humus (black soil), wood glue, Styrofoam, chicken wire, bee wax cast, bronze cast, plaster cast, acrylic paint
300 x 150 x 150 cm
Installation view
Booth, Galerie Nagel Draxler
Art Basel 2018, Basel
Photo: Simon Vogel
„Glyphsetters (Pescador de Serpentes)“, 2017
Cast bronze
60 x 30 x 30 cm
„Glyphsetters (Pescador de Serpentes)“, 2017
Cast bronze
60 x 30 x 30 cm
„Glyphsetters (Pescador de Serpentes)“, 2017
Cast bronze
60 x 30 x 30 cm
„Chão Seco, (Dry Ground)“, 2018
Glazed ceramics
44 x 34 x 25 cm
“Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)”, 2017
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
19 x 14 x 14 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)”, 2017
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
30 x 18 x 18 cm
“Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)”, 2017
Latex, Stoff, Pappmasché, organisches Material
14 x 10 x 10 cm
“Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)”, 2016
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
23 x 10 x 13 cm
“Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz, 2018″
Reisebürogalerie, Köln
Photo: Simon Vogel
Ohne Titel, 2018
Pappmasché, Papier-Mache, Humus (black soil), Schwanz
35 x 35 x 35 cm
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz, 2018″
Reisebürogalerie, Köln
Photo: Simon Vogel
“Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz, 2018″
Reisebürogalerie, Köln
Photo: Simon Vogel
„Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)“, 2016
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
23 x 10 x 13 cm
„Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)“, 2017
Latex, Stoff, Pappmasché, organisches Material
14 x 10 x 10 cm
“Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)”, 2017
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
30 x 18 x 18 cm
„Ovo por Olho (An Egg for an Eye)“, 2017
Latex, Stoff, organisches Material
19 x 14 x 14 cm
„JELENA“, 2011
pine wood, varnish
200 x 25 x 20 cm
„KAROLINA“, 2011
pine wood, varnish
200 x 25 x 20 cm
„PHILIPP“, 2011
pine wood, varnish
200 x 25 x 20 cm
„ADRIAN“, 2011
pine wood, varnish
200 x 25 x 20 cm
„Sculpture Exquise“, 2011
Installation View
Kunsthalle Basel
„Baum“, 2013
20 x 20 cm
„Gringo“, 2013
Installation View
Mendes Wood DM
„Mauro“, 2013
Cow dung, wood glue, cow teeth
60 x 40 x 40 cm
„Trilobites“, 2013
River stone, cast silicon
„Bagre / Catfish“, 2013
PVC pipes, steel wire
110 x 40 x 90 cm
„Orelhas / Ears“, 2013
Glazed ceramic, nylon line, iron wire, boulders
ca. 3 x 10 x 20 cm
„New Friends“, 2013
Glazed ceramic
Dimensions variable
„New Friends“, 2013
Glazed ceramic
Dimensions variable
„New Friends“, 2013
Installation View
Gabinete do Desenho, São Paulo
„Vigília de Agosto“, 2016
Cast colored silicone
60 x 60 x 4 cm
„Vígila de Julho“, 2016
Cast colored silicone
70 x 47 x 6 cm
„Vígila de Junho“, 2016
Cast colored silicone
65 x 55 x 3 cm
„Vigília de Maio“, 2016
Cast colored silicone, ground dust
70 x 50 x 25 cm
„Vigília at Prière de Toucher“, 2016
Installation View
Tinguely Museum
„Cama de Gato“, 2016
Aluminium cast, wohl thread
80 x 25 x 40 cm
„Nascente Seca (I, II and III)“
Silicone cast, latex, epoxy resin, light bulb, rusty iron frame
100 x 70 x 70 cm
35 x 35 x 40 cm
„Pele Fira“, 2016
Installation View
Kai Matsumiya Galler, New York City
„O Cavalo que Bebia Cerveja (The Horse Who Drank Beer)“
Installation View
Kai Matsumiya Gallery, New York City
„Everybody know that our cities are made to be destroyed“, 2016
Soil (húmus), water, human junk (Objects by Mauro Cerqueira)
Dimensions Variable
Installation View
„Irmão dos Homens Todos“
David Dale Gallery, Glasgow
„Everybody know that our cities are made to be destroyed“, 2016
Soil (húmus), water, human junk (Objects by Mauro Cerqueira)
Dimensions Variable
Installation View
„Irmão dos Homens Todos“
David Dale Gallery, Glasgow
„Everybody know that our cities are made to be destroyed“, 2016
Soil (húmus), water, human junk (Objects by Mauro Cerqueira)
Dimensions Variable
Installation View
„Irmão dos Homens Todos“
David Dale Gallery, Glasgow
„Everybody know that our cities are made to be destroyed“, 2016
Soil (húmus), water, human junk (Objects by Mauro Cerqueira)
Dimensions Variable
Installation View
„Irmão dos Homens Todos“
David Dale Gallery, Glasgow
„Ovo por Olho (Kilian)“, 2016
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials
20 x 35 cm
„Ovo por Olho (Amarelo)“, 2016
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials
20 x 35 cm
„Ovo por Olho (Azul)“, 2016
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials
20 x 35 cm
„Ovo por Olho (Roxo)“, 2016
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials
20 x 35 cm
„Ovo por Olho“, 2016
Installation View
Unsere Umwelt, Basel
„Dobrar de Espinho, Anzol“
Installation View
Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto
„Glyphsetters (Pescador de Serpentes)“, 2017
Cast bronze
60 x 30 x 30 cm
„Guard’águas (Branca)“, 2017
Fired clay, plaster, acrylic paint
45 x 6 cm
„Guard’águas (Azul)“, 2017
Fired clay, plaster, acrylic paint
45 x 4 cm
„Guard’águas (Mangueira)“, 2017
Fired clay, plaster, acrylic paint
45 x 5 cm
„Dobrar de Espinho, Anzol“, 2017
Installation View
Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto
„Dobrar de Espinho, Anzol“, 2017
Installation View
Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto
„Dobrar de Espinho, Anzol“, 2017
Installation View
Galeria Nuno Centeno, Porto
„Trilobites“, 2017
Rock, cast bronze, lack
170 x 100 x 80 cm
„Trilobites“, 2017
Rock, cast bronze, lack
80 x 60 x 80 cm
„Untitled (Nest)“, 2017
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, human hair, seeds, feathers
60 x 50 cm
„We Know What We Learn“, 2017
Húmus (black soil), water, plaster, wood construction
400 x 120 cm
„We Know What We Learn“, 2017
Húmus (black soil), water, plaster, wood construction
400 x 120 cm
„Ex Situ. Samples of Lifeforms“, 2017
Installation View
Copenhagen Contemporary, Copenhagen
„Ovo por Olho“, 2017
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials such as branches, grass, hay, soil
20 x 25 cm
„Ovo por Olho“, 2017
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials such as branches, grass, hay, soil
20 x 25 cm
„Ovo por Olho“, 2017
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials such as branches, grass, hay, soil
20 x 25 cm
„Ovo por Olho“, 2017
Fabric, latex, acrylic paint, natural materials such as branches, grass, hay, soil
20 x 25 cm
„Glyphsetters (No(s)z)“, 2017
Cast Bronze
70 x 45 cm
„Fábula, Frisson, Melancholia“, 2017
Installation View
Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo
Pedro Wirz
„Fábula, Frisson, Melancholia“, 2017
Installation View
Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo
geboren / born 1981 in São Paulo - BR
lebt und arbeitet / lives and works in Zürich, CH
2007 - 2011
Bachelor’s degree at FHNW Basel - CH, Institute os Arts, Institute of Arts
– Class of Jürg Stäuble, Dr. Roman Kurzmeyer and Muda Mathis
2009 - 2010
Erasmus at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart - D, Institute of Arts
Institute of Arts - Class of Birgit Brenner and of Christian Jankowski and Rainer Ganahl
2004 - 2006
Internship as assistant of photography - BR and CH
1999 - 2003
Bachelors’ degree at University of Taubaté - BR, Institut of Communication - Public Relations
Winner Bally Artist Award 2023
Young Academy, Akademie der Künste, Berlin - D
Artist in Residence - Swiss Institute Rome, Rome - IT
Artist in Residence - IAAB Exchange Program
Residency Unlimited, New York - US
Werkbeitrag - Kunstkredit der Stadt Basel, Basel - CH
Artist in Residence - Post Studio Tales, Berlin - D
Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart - D
Artist in Residence - IAAB Exchange Program
Cité des Arts, Paris - F
GGG Atelierhaus - 2 years subsidized atelier - GGG Basel Foundation
Prize for publication on contemporary art, Biennial Foundation, São Paulo - BR
Prize for Brazilian artist abroad, Biennial Foundation, São Paulo - BR
Patronage for young Swiss artists - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH
"Trilobites", Kunst im Limmattal, Zurich, Switzerland
"Diplomatic Immunity", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Köln - D
"Diplomatic Immunity – Bally Artist Award 2023", MASILugano, Lugano - IT
"Environmental Hangover", Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH
"Brixe", Museum Schaffen, Winterthur - CH
"Termine Terminators", Marc Selwyn Fine Art, Beverly Hills, CA - US
Gramercy International Prize, Presentation at The Armory Show, New York - US
Kai Matsumiya Gallery, New York - US
Verwachsen, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin - D
a curbing wall of debrislandfilling, Kunsthaus Langenthal - CH
A Curbing Wall of Debris Nesting, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris - FR
Terra Quente, LongTang, Zürich - CH
breasfed tadpole, Kai Matsumiya, New York – US
Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz, 2018, Reisebürogalerie / Diko Reisen, Köln – D
Fábula, Frisson, Melancolia, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo - BR (together with Tiago Tebet and Marcelo Cipis)
Dobrar de Espinho, Anzol, Murias Centeno Gallery, Porto - PT
Irmão dos Homens Todos at David Dale Gallery, Glasgow - UK (together with Mauro Cerqueira)
Ovo por Olho, Unsere Umwelt Gallery, Basel - CH
The Horse Who Drunk Beer, Kai Matsumiya Gallery, New York - US
Novos Amigos, CCSP, São Paulo - BR
Gringo, Mendes & Wood DM, SP - BR
Tropical, Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund - D
Not the New, Not the Old, But the Necessary,
Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart - D
Hotel Palenque at Gasconade, Milano - IT (Swiss Institute‘s Bureau for Art Nerds)
Problems - Kunstraum Kreuzligen, Kreuzligen - CH (together with Raphael Linsi)
Backwall Projeckt - Kunsthalle Basel - CH
Outsiders - SALTS, Birsfelden - CH
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Deuxpiece, Basel - CH
Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream, Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève - CH.
gift – toxische Geschenke, FROH USSICHT, Samstagern - CH.
Artissima Art Fair, Booth Galerie Nagel Draxler, Turin.
"1ST MESEBERG INTERNATIONAL FOR CONTEMPORARY ART", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Meseberg, Gransee.
"MASKE in der Kunst und Gegenwart", Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau – CH.
"ZEITSPUREN. The Power of Now", Kunsthaus Centre D'Art Pasquart, Biel – CH
JUNGE AKADEMIE – AGORA ARTES, Stipendiatenausstellung, Akademie der Künste, Berlin - D
KölnSkulptur #9, Skulpturenpark Köln, Cologne - D
Ex Situ - Samples of Lifeforms, Copenhagen Contemporary - DK
Art Cologne, Kai Matsumiya Gallery - Cologne - D
Proxysm of Union - Kunsthale Freeport, Athenes - GR
Camaléonica - CACP Coimbra - P
Look, all this is fraud - Milieu, Bern - CH
NADA Miami - Kai Matsumiya Gallery, Miami - US
CODE art Fair, Copenhagen - DK
Haus #99, Basel - CH
Dead Among The Dead!, EllisKing Gallery, Dublin - IE
Prière de Toucher, Tinguely Museum, Basel - CH
Courtesy of SALTS, SALTS, Birsfelden - CH
NADA Miami - Kai Matsumiya Gallery, Miami - US
Tableau - Kai Matsumiya Gallery, New York City - US
FULL HOUSE - Shanaynay, Paris - FR
Swiss Art Awards, Basel - CH
Môtiers 2015 - Art en plein air, Môtiers - CH
Moves and Countermoves, CCS Bard Hessel Museum of Art - US
Jac Leirner, Albert Baronian Gallery, Brussels - BE
Nimm‘s mal easy - Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel - CH
Screening (with Sonia Kacem), Deuxpiece, New York City - US
Union - Union Pacific Gallery, London - GB
Absence of the evil is the evil of absence - Residency Unlimited, New York City - US
Tell Me What I See, When I Look Into Your Eyes, BolteLang, Zürich - CH
Come, all ye faithful! - Florian Christopher, Zürich - CH
Give me Shelter - GGG Atelierhaus, Basel - CH
Mitologias por procuração - MAM-SP, São Paulo - BR
Wet-on-Wet, Gallery Florian Weingrüll, Karlsruhe - D
Swiss Art Awards, Basel - CH
Club des Sous l‘Eau - Palais de Tokyo, Paris - FR
The Sunday Curators - SWG1 Gallery - Glasgow - UK
THE BODY IS THE MEDIUM - Curatorial Lab SP-Arte, São Paulo - BR
Les Urbaines Art Festival - Lausanne - CH
LOT - Cul de Sac, London - GB
Platform 12 - Kunstwollen, Zurich - CH
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe -
Kunstraum Riehen, Riehen - CH
Mitologias I Mythologies - Cité des Arts, Paris - F
Cantonale Berne Jura - Kunsthalle Bern, Bern - CH
Cantonale Berne Jura - Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern - CH
Regionale 12 - Kunstraum L6, Freiburg - D
How to Work (more for) Less - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH
Floor Wall Piece - Von Bartha Garage, Basel - CH
Swiss Art Awards (Kiefer Hablitzel), Basel - CH
7, Kunstverein Duisburg, Duisburg - D
Regionale 11: Village Cry - Kunsthalle Basel, Basel - CH
Rundgang 2010 - Staatliche Akademie der
Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart - D
Blokkade - Universal Cube, Leipzig - D
1. Salão dos Artistas Sem Galeria, São Paulo - BR
Regionale 10 - Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg - D
The line is a lonely hunter - New Jerseyy, Basel - CH
PANORAMA BOA VISTA, Porto - PT (with Raphael Linsi)
2014 - ongoing
Postcodes (with Gabriel Lima)
Kind - Coletor, São Paulo - BR
Soft - Casa do Povo, São Paulo - BR
Wet-on-Wet - Gallery Weingrüll, Karlsruhe - D
the work found me, Gallery Samy Abraham, Paris - F
If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe - Kunstraum Riehen, Riehen - CH
2009 - 2011
the forever ending story (with Raphael Linsi, Claudio Vogt and Tilmann Schlevogt)
2009 - 2010
Deuxpiece (with Noëmi Denzler)
Wirtshaus im Schalter (with Raphael Linsi),
Wirzhaus (with Raphael Linsi und Luiz Albisser),
Periodicals (selection)
Koeberle, Susanna: "So könnte auch ein Katastrophenfilm heissen", Feuilleton Neue Züricher Zeitung S. 30, 22.02.2022
Nedo, Kito: "Achtung, Erdarbeiten!", Art Magazin S. 66-75, 03.01.2022
Pfennig, Leonie: "3 Highlights der "New Positions"-Förderkojen", Monopol, 17.11.2021
Frenzel, Sebastian: "Parcours der Art Basel: Raus aus den Hallen", Monopol, 20.09.2021
Büsser, Harry: "Kunst von Pedro Wirz: Kunst ohne Mensch", Handelszeitung, 20.03.2021
West, Linnea: "Phone Tag: Interview with Pedro Wirz", 28.08.2019
"Jan Kiefer, Pedro Wirz, 2018 at Galerie Nagel Draxler Cologne", Blouinartinfo, 23.07.2018
Basciano, Oliver: "ArtReview Portugal: Pedro Wirz", ArtReview, 2018
Neuendorf, Henri: "Pedro Wirz on Drunken Horses and his first New York Show", artnet, 03.05.2016