Heimo Zobernig  ART BASEL – HONG KONG 2017


Solo presentation: HEIMO ZOBERNIG 

Hong Kong Convention And Exhibition Centre
1 Harbour Rd
Wan Chai

Press Release

Heimo Zobernig is known for expanding the central tropes of twentieth century painting: the grid and the monochrome. These eight gestural grid paintings act out both antagonism and harmony in color and form. Each painting shows a Mondrianesque grid, which is broken by fireworks of gestures and colors that range from bright to subtle. Outstanding here is the strikingly masterly play with light. The square canvases are presented on three walls, each measuring exactly six meters. In his presentation Zobernig combines the discipline of concept with the freedom of creation.


Heimo Zobernig (b. 1958, Austria) lives and works in Vienna. He represented Austria in the 2015 Venice Biennial and has exhibited internationally at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid; Kunsthaus Graz, Austria; Kunsthalle, Zurich; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon; CAPC Musée d’art Contemporain, Bordeaux; Tate St Ives. He is the 2016 recipient of the Roswitha Haftmann Prize.




埃莫.左貝爾格的作品強調二十世紀繪畫的兩個重要象 網格和單一色彩。這系列的八幅網格畫運用了既對 立又和諧的色彩和形式,而每幅畫所呈現的蒙德里安式 (Mondrianesque)網格,又被藝術家以明亮或微妙的 顏色和方式所衝破;當中矚目之處,乃藝術家對光線出 神入化的運用。八幅四方形的畫作分別掛在三面牆上作 展示,每一面牆都剛好是六米寬。透過這作品,左貝爾 格完美地融合概念的約束與創作的自由。


埃莫.左貝爾格,1958年於奧地利出生,現於維也納居 住及工作。2015年,他代表奧地利參加威尼斯雙年展;亦曾於世界不同的角落展出,包括西班牙馬德里蘇菲亞 國立當代藝術中心、奧地利格拉茲美術館、瑞士蘇黎世 Kunsthalle當代美術館、法國巴黎龐畢度中心、葡萄牙里 斯本高秉根基金會、法國波爾多當代視覺藝術中心及英 國泰特聖艾夫斯美術館。左貝爾格是2016年「 Roswitha Haftmann Prize」的得主。