Mark Dion



geboren / born 1961 in New Bedford, Massachusetts
lebt / lives in New York and works worldwide.


1981-82, 86 University of Hartford School of Art, Connecticut, BFA
1982-84 School of Visual Arts, New York.
1984-1985 Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Independent Study Program, New York.
2001 9th annual Larry Aldrich Foundation Award.
2003 University of Hartford School of Art, Connecticut, BFA in Fine Arts.


"Journey to Nature’s Underworld", Lowe Art Museum - University of Miami, Miami, USA

"Excavations", La Brea Tar Pits & Museum, Los Angeles, USA
"All Heaven in a Rage", No Gallery, New York, USA
"Mrs. Christopher’s House", a Troy Hill Art House commission, Pittsburgh, USA
"Delirious Toys", Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany
"The Michigan Curiosity Shop", Meijer Gardens, Grand Rapids Charter Township, Michigan, USA (long-term installation)
"Mrs. Christopher’s House", Troy Hill Art House, Pittsburgh, USA (permanent commission)
"Anatomy of Melancholy", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Munich, Germany
"Mark Dion: Investigations, Inquiries And A Few Good Jokes", In Situ, Paris, France

"Delirious Toys", Museum Nikolaikirche, Berlin, Germany
"Field Station of the Melancholy Entomologist", Ice House Project Space, Sharon, CT, USA
"Systema Naturae", Saskia Neuman Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
"Bureau de l’ornthologue", Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains, France (commissioned installation)
"Journey to Nature’s Underworld", organized by American Federation of Arts The Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT, USA (two-person)
"Per Kirkeby and Mark Dion", Lindon & Co., London, UK (two-person)

"Theater of Extinction", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
"Journey to Nature’s Underworld", organized by American Federation of Arts The Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT, USA (two-person)
"The Witches’ Cottage", Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany (permanent public commission)
"Tree of Life", Art on the Meuse Z33, Hasselt, Belgium (permanent public project)

"The Field Station of the Melancholy Marine Biologist", Governor's Island, New York, USA (long term installation)
"Cabinet of Electrical Curiosities", Kunsthalle Praha, Prague, Czech Republic (site specific commision)
Barakat Contemporary, Seoul, Korea
"Mark Dion: The Accused", Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium
"The Pavillon of Confectionary Curiosities", collaboration with Dana Sherwood, DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA, USA
"Bureau de l’ornthologue", Musée Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains, France (commissioned installation)
"Mark Dion: The Accused", Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium
"Conservatory for Confectionary Curiosities", collaboration with Dana Sherwood, DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA, USA
"Vivarium", Biologiezentrum, University of Vienna, St. Marx, Austria (permanent installation)

"Mark Dion & David Brooks: The Great Bird Blind Debate", Planting Fields Foundation, Oyster Bay
"Mark Dion & Dana Sherwood: The Pollinator Pavilion", Thomas Cole National Historic Site, Catskill, NY.
"Vivarium", Biologiezentrum, Univerity of Vienna, St. Marx (site-specific permanent work)
"Mark Dion: The Ayyused", Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke, Belgium (long term Installation)
"Follies", Laumaier Sculpture Park, Saint Louis, Missouri.
"The Perilous Texas Adventures of Mark Dion", Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas.
"Planting Fields", Oyster Bay, New York.

"Climate Change is Real. Stop Procrastinating!", (with Christine Wang), Galerie Nagel Draxler, Munich.
"Conservatory of Confectionery Curiosities", collaboration with Dana Sherwood, DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA (long term installation"
"Wunderkammer 2", Esbjerg Art Museum, Denmark.
"The Life of a Dead Tree", MoCA - Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto.
"Follies", Storm King Art Center, New Windsor, NY.
"To Watch, to Cut, to Capture, to Kill, to Collect", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Cologne.
"Our Plundered Planet", Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Line, Dublin.
"The Naturalist at the End of the World", Waldburger Wouters, Brussels.

"Cabinet of Wonder", Gathering Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
"Mark Dion & John Miller", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin
"Theatre of the Natural World", Whitechapel Gallery, London.
"Gesammelte Sammler. Die materielle Kultur der Feldforschung", Naturkundemuseum, Berlin.

"Mark Dion: Misadventures of a 21st-Century Naturalist", Institute of Contemporary Art Boston, Boston (MA).
"The Tar Museum", NHM – Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien.
Solo Messestand / Art Berlin 2017, Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin.
"American Politics – Dirty Tricks", Galerie Georg Kargl, Wien.

"The Wondrous Museum of Nature", Kunstmuseum, St. Gallen.
"Shooting Gallery", GFLK Halle Süd Tölz, Bad Tölz.
"ExtraNatural – A project by Mark Dion", Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris
"The World in a Box and Other Adventures in Cosmology: Recent Print Editions of Mark Dion", Ruffin Gallery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (VA)
"Reconnaissance", Waldburger Wouters, Brussels.
"Mark Dion. Widerspenstige Wildnis / Wayward Wilderness", Drents Museum (NL)
"Mark Dion. Widerspenstige Wildnis / Wayward Wilderness", Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Drenthe (NL)
"Mark Dion. The Library for the Birds of New York and Other Marvels", Tanya, Bonakdar Gallery, New York.

"Against the Current", Ormston House, Limerick, Ireland.
"Widerspenstige Wildnis", Marta Herford, Herford.
"Mark Dion / MATRIX 173", The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT.
"Mark Dion: The Undisciplined Collector", Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University,
Waltham, MA.
"Mark Dion: The Phantom Museum - Wonder Workshop", Clifford Gallery and
Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York.
"The Wonder Workshop", V-A-C Foundation, Venice.
"Vanishing Wonders & New Curiosities: Sculptures and works on paper by Mark
Dion", Galerie Nagel Draxler Berlin.
"Pantheon - A Project for the Zorinsky Federal Building", Omaha, Nebraska.
"Mark Dion: The Octagon Room", Mass MoCA, MA.

"The Lost Museum: A Project of the Jenks Society", Department of Social
Humanities, Brown University, Providence, RI.
"Mark Dion: The Academy of Things", The Academy of Fine Arts Design, Dresden.
"The Octagon Room" on long-term view at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art,North Adams, MA.

"The Pursuit of Sir William Hamilton", Museo Pignatelli, Neapel.
"Drawings, Prints, Multiples and Sculptures", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
"The Macabre Treasury", Museum Het Domein, Sittard.

"Twenty One Years of Think in Three Dimensions“, Galerie Christian Nagel, Berlin.
"Fresh Sculpture" (including collaborations with Dana Sherwood), Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien.
"Troubleshooting", USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa.

"Process and Inquiry", University of Arkansas - Department of Art, Fayetteville.
"Oceanomania: Souvenirs des mers mystérieuses", Musée Océanographique, Monaco.

"The Marvelous Museum - orphens, Curiosities & Treasures", A Mark Dion Project, Oakland Museum of California, Oakland.
"A world for the spoiling", In situ Fabienne Leclercq, Paris.

"Das Springhornhof Institut für Neolithische Archäologie", Neuenkirchen.
"Jungle Shop and Other Mischief", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
"Concerning Hunting", Kunsthalle Krems, Krems.
"Concerning Hunting", Herbert-Gerisch-Stiftung, Neumünster.
"Concerning Hunting", Galleria Civica di Modena, Modena.

"Concerning Hunting", Aarhus Kunstbygning, Center for Contemporary Art, Aarhus.
"Concerning Hunting", Kunstraum Dornbirn, Dornbirn.
Travels of William Bartram - Reconsidered", Bartram´s Garden, Philadelphia.
Solo Show, Art Unlimited, Art Basel, Basel.
"Maquettes", Goodwater Gallery, Toronto.

"Mark Dion: Systema Metropolis", Natural History Museum, London.
"Mark Dion. The Natural History of the Museum" , Carré d´art contemporain de Nimes, Nimes; Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsinborg; Seedamm Kultur Zentrum, Pfäffikon.
"Thomas Berwik Memorial", Newcaste upon Tyne, Locus.
"Salon Jacqueline Sommer", Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris.
"Seattle Vivarium", Olympic Sculpture Park, Seattle Art Museum.

"The Tar Museum", Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien.
"site samples # 1& 2", Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg.
"The South Florida Wildlife Rescue Unit", Miami Art Musuem.
"Dundee Bear Broch", Camperdown Wildlife Center/Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee.
"Neotropic", (with Bob Braine), Galerie in Situ, Paris.

"The Curiosity Shop", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
"Mark Dion: Bureau Of The Centre For The Study Of Surrealism And Its Legacy", Manchester Museum, Manchester.
"Mark Dion: When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (Toys ´R´ U.S.)", Skarstedt FIne Art, New York.
"Dungeon of the Sleeping Bear, the Phantom Forest, the Birds of Guam and other Fables of Ecological Mischief", Chateux d´Oiron, Oiron, France.
"Fables of Ecological Mischief", Chateaix d'Orion, Orion, France.
"Salon de Chasse", Museé de la Chasse et de la Nature, Chateau de Chambord, Chambord, France.
"The Brazilian Expedition ofThomas Ender -Reconsidered", Akademie der Bildenden Kunst, Wien.
"Microcosmographia and the Secret Garden Biological Field Unit at the South London Gallery", South London Gallery, London.
"Memento Mori (My Glass is Run)", Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Ct.

"Rescue Archaeology, A Project for The Museum of Modern Art", Museum of Modern Art, New York.
"Mark Dion: drawings and printed works", goodwater gallery, Toronto.
"American Politics", Galerie Christian Nagel, Berlin.

"RN: The Past, Present and Future of the Nurses´ Uniform", Mark Dion and J. Morgan Puett in collaboration with The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia.
"The Ichthyosaurus the Magpie and other Mavels of the Natural World", Musée Gassendi and la Reserve Geologique de Haute Provence, Digne France und Centro Perimentale Art Contemporanee, Caraglio.
"Mark Dion - Encyclomania", Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen, Bonner Kunstverein, Kunstverein Hannover.
"Full House", 9th annual Larry Aldrich Foundation Award exhibition, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT (sched.).
"Mark Dion: Collanorations 1987-2003", Joseloff Gallery, University of Hartford, CT (sched.).
"Imperfect Marriages", Galleria Emi Fontana, Mailand (sched.).
"Microcosmographia, Mark Dion´s Wunderkammer", University of Tokyo Museum, Tokio (sched.).
American Fine Arts Co., New York (sched.).
Historisches Museum, Frankfurt am Main (sched.).

„Biologische Forschungsstation Alster“, Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg.
National Museum of Art, Tokio.
Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
„Urban Wildlife Observation Unit (a project with the public Art Fund“, Madison Square Park, New York.
Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, New York.
„Ursus Maritimus“, Goodwater Gallery, Toronto.
„New England Digs“, University of Massachusetts Art Gallery, New Bedford.

Galerie Georg Kargl, Wien.
„New England Digs“, Fuller Museum of Art, Brockton, MA (traveling to New Bedford Whaling Museum, CT and Bell Art Gallery, Brown Univeristy, Providence, RI).
„Cabinet of Curiosity for the Weisman Art Museum“, Weisman Art Museum, Minneapolis, MN.

„Alexander von Humboldt and other Sculptures“, Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
„Nature Bureaucracies“ American Fine Arts Co., New York.
„The Museum of Poison“, Bonakdar Jancou Gallery, New York.

„Tate Thames Dig - Beachcombing on London’s Foreshore“, Tate Gallery of Modern Art, London.
“Where The Land meets the Sea”, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco.
“The Lady’s Field Club of York”, National Railway Museum, York UK (Zusammenarbeit mit J. Morgan Puett) (Kat.).
“LaVille, Le Jardin, La Memorie”, Villa Medici, Rom (Zusammenarbeit mit Bob Braine).

„Private Property“, Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg.
„Adventures in Comparative Neuroanatomy“, Deutsches Museum, Bonn.
„A Tale of Two Seas...“, Altonaer Museum Hamburg.
Tate Gallery, Liverpool.
“The Natural World”, Vancouver Art Gallrey, Vancouver.
“Loot, Raiding Neptune’s Vault”, Gallleria Emi Fontana, Mailand.

“Trophies & Souvenirs”, London Projects, London.
Skandinavischer Pavillon, Biennale di Venezia.
„Mark Dion: The Museum of Natural History And Other Fictions“, Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, Kunstverein Hamburg, De Appel, Amsterdam.
“Homage – Jean-Henri Fabre”, Galerie des Archives, Paris.
„Cabinets of Curiosity for the Wexner Center for the Arts“, Werner Center for the Arts Columbus, Ohio.

„Two Trees“, American Fine Arts Co., New York.
„A Tale Of Two Seas:...“, Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.

„A Vital Matrix“, Domestic Setting, Los Angeles.
American Fine Arts Co., New York.
"Dodo", Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem.
"Flotsam and Jetsam (The End of the Game)", De Vleeshal, Middelburg.
"Unseen Fribourg", Centre d´Art Contemporain, Fribourg.
"The Great Fribourg Bug Hunt", Centre d´Art Contemporain/Kunsthalle, Fribourg.
“Imaging Borneo", Museum of Sarawak, Borneo.
"Schoharie Creek Field Station"/ Bob Braine & J. Morgan Puett, Art Awareness, Lexington.
"Searching for Sabah" / Paul Towel, Sabah Museum, Sabah

"Concrete Jungle" (mit Bob Braine, Alexis Rockman), Marc Jancou Gallery, London.
“Angellica Point”, Galleria Emi Fontana, Mailand.
"Aristoteles, Rachel Carson, Alfred Russel Wallace", Galerie Metropol, Wien.
“When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (Toys `R` U.S.), American Finea Arts Co., New York.

"The Great Munich Bug Hunt", K-Raum Daxer, München.
"The Great Hunter, the Marine Biologist, the Paleontologist and the Missionary", Galerie Marc Jancou, Zurich.

"True Stories Part II" (mit Renée Green), Institute of Contemporary Art, London.
American Fine Arts, Co., New York.
Galleri Nordanstad-Skarstedt, Stockholm.

"Frankenstein - In the Age of Biotechnology", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
"Launching", Shark Editions, Sprting Street Lounge, New York.
"Art...Not News", Real Art Ways, Hartford.

"Extinction, Dinosaurs and Disney", Galerie Sylvana Lorenz, Paris.
"Biodiversity: An Installation for the Wexner Center" / William Schefferine, Wexner Center for Visual Arts, Columbus.

"Film, Artful History: A Restoration Comedy, with Jason Simon", Collective for Living Cinema, New York.


"Touch Nature", Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Austria

"Beyond Water", (re) - Nomadic Biennial, Zoologisches Museum Kiel, Kiel, Germany
"Désordres", Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon, Lyon, France
"Home Again", Newfields, Indianapolis, IN, USA
"The World In Which We Live: The Art of Environmental Awareness", Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA

"Tossed: Art from Discarded, Found and Re-purposed Materials", Middlebury College Museum of Art, Middlebury, VT.
"A Singularly Marine & Fabulous Produce": The Cultures of Seaweed", New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA.
"Reimag(in)ing the Victorians", Djanogly Gallery, University of Nottingham, Nottingham.
"Un/Natural Selections: Wildlife in Contemporary Art", Hudson River Museum, New York.
"Touch Nature", Austrian Culture Forum New York, NY.
"Über den Wert der Zeit / On the Value of Time," Ludwig Museum, Köln.
"Gezwitscher – Kunst aus der Vogelperspektive", Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven.

Artissima Art Fair, Booth Galerie Nagel Draxler, Turin. 
"Smaller Worlds. Diorama in Contemporary Art", Ludwig Muzeum - Museum of Contemporary art, Budapest.
"Spielzeit #1", Museum Moisbroich, Leverkusen.

"We are Animals", Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam.
"Fragile Creation", Dom Museum, Vienna.
"Topographies: Changing Conceptions of the American Landscape", Binghampton University Art Museum, Broom County, NY.
"Enjoy –  the mumok Collection in Change", mumok, Vienna.
"1ST MESEBERG INTERNATIONAL FOR CONTEMPORARY ART", Galerie Nagel Draxler, Meseberg, Gransee, Germany.
"Tense Condition", Stattsgalerie, Stuttgart.
"The Vienna Biennial for Change", MAK, Vienna.
"Earthly Observatory", SAIC Galleries, Chicago.
Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Germany.
"OIL. Schönheit und Schrecken des Erdölzeitalters", Museum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany.

"Body & Soul. Thinking Feeling Brushing Teeth, Museum Ostwall, Dortmund.
"Wald. Wolf. Wildnis.", Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden-Rot, Germany.
"Potentional Worlds", Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich, Switzerland.
"Songs in the Dark", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York, NY.
"Citizen Animalia", Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College, Chicago, IL.
"Animals in the Art", Arken Museum, Ishøj, Denmark.

"Ernst Haeckel + Sammlung Opitz-Hoffmann", Kunstsammlung Jena, Jena.
Musée d'Art de Pully, Pully & Musée cantonal de Géologie de Lausanne, Lausanne.
"Tierischer Aufstand", Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen.
"Ding / Unding. Die Entgrenzung des Künstler*innenbuchs", ETH Zürich, Zurich, Swiss.
"unselect", Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Berlin, Germany.
"Plastic Entanglements: Ecology, Aesthetics, Materials, Smith College Museum of Art", Northampton, MA.
"The Unbearable Impermanence of Things", Vicki Myhren Gallery, The University of Denver, Denver, CO.
Kith and Kin: Friends and Mentors of Lesley MFA College of Art and Design, Lesly University, Cambridge, MA.
"Indicators: Artists on Climate Change", Storm King, Cornwall, NY.
"Wild Designs", Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
"Transformations & Alternations", NYFA and McKinsey, New York, NY.
"Forgetting-Why We Don't Remember Everything", Historisches Museum Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
"Heaven, Hell and Purgatory", The Green-Wood Cemetery, New York, NY.
"Year 2: Occupy Colby Museum", Colby Museum of Art Waterville, MA.
Santander Sala de Arte, Madrid, Spain.
"Fragile Earth", The Florence Grisworld Museum, Old Lymer, CT.
"From Theory to Practice: Trajectories of the Whitney Independent Study Program", curated by John Tyson and Sam Toabe, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA.
"Animals in Art", ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Denmark.
"A Passion for Drawing. Die Sammlung Guerlain aus dem Centre Pompidou", Albertina, Vienna, Austria.

"Indicators: Artists on Climate Change", Storm King Art Center, New Windsor, NY.
"Nature’s Nation: American Art and Environment", Princeton Art Museum, Princeton.
The 33rd São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo.
"Riboca1 – Everything Was Forever Until It Was No More", Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art
"Wild Designs", Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA.
11. Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
"Big Botany", Spencer Museum of Art, the University of Kansas,  Lawrence, KS.
"Plastic Entanglements", Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
"CONCENTRATION - a tribute", Gesellschaft für projektive Ästhetik, Georg Kargl, Vienna.
"No Man's Land. Natural Spaces, Testing Grounds", Mudam, Luxembourg.
"Reduction", Gesellschaft für Projektive Ästhetik, Georg Kargl Box, Vienna.
"Résonance (Part 2)", Frac Normandie Rouen.
"The Land We Live In – The Land We Left Behind", Hauser & Wirth – Somerset, Bruton.
"Cupboard Love", Gewerbemuseum Winterthur.
"Pompei@Madre. Materia Archeologica", Museo D'Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina (MADRE), Naples.
"Naturgeschichten. Spuren des Politischen", mumok, Vienna.
"Dioramas. Erfindung einer Illusion", Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt a. M..
"Constructing Paradise", Austrian Cultural Forum, New York.

"Prospect 4. The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp", Prospect New Orleans, New Orleans.
"Cupboard Love", Gewerbemuseum, Winterthur.
"Verschwindende Vermächtnisse. Die Welt als Wald", CeNak – Centrum für Naturkunde der Universität Hamburg, Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg.
"Diorama. Erfindung einer Illusion", Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Frankfurt.
"Naturgeschichten. Spuren des Politischen", mumok, Wien.
"The Garden – End of Times, Beginning of Times", ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Aarhus.
"Wundercamera", Telefair Museum of Art, Savannah, GA.
"Collector's Paradise", Mike Karstens Galerie, Münster.
"Constructing Paradise", The Austrian Cultural Forum, New York, NY.
"Just the Facts", The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design Frederick Layton Gallery, Milwaukee, WI.

"Emscherkunst 2016", Recklinghausen/ Herne/ Castrop-Rauxel/ Dortmund/ Holzwickede.
"Come As You Are: Art of the 1990s", Blanton Museum, University of Texas, Austin, TX.
"Don’t Look Back: The 1990’s at MOCA", The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA.
"Freie Flusszone Süderelbe", Galerie für Landschaftskunst (GFLK) im Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen.
"Radical Seafaring", Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, NY.
"Sublime. The Tremors of the World.", Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France.
"Dead Animals, or the curious occurrence of taxidermy in contemporary art", David Winton Bell Gallery, Brown University, Providence, RI.
"Mark Dion, Jessica Rath, Dana Sherwood", Pitzer Art Galleries, Pitzer College, Claremont, CA.

"to expose, to show, to demonstrate, to inform, to offer: Artistic Practices around 1990", Mumok, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna.
„Come As You Are: Art of the 1990s“, Montclair Art Museum, NJ, traveling to Telfair Musuem of Art, Savannah, GA. University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, MI. Blanton Museum of Art, UT Austin, Austin, TX.
„GYRE: The Plastic Ocean“, Center for Disease Control David Spencer Museum, Atlanta.

„Anthropocene Monument, Les Abattoirs“, Toluouse, France.
„Late Harvest“, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV.
„Hunters and Gatherers in Contemporary Art“, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen.
„Groundwork: life spent with nature“, Wave Hill Public Garden and Cultural Center, NY.
„Noah's Ark“, Museum Ostwal, Dortmund.
„Forecast“, Virginia Commonwealth University Anderson Gallery, VA.
„New York Makers Open“, Museum of Arts and Design, New York.
"Lost Paradise", KAI 10, Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf.
"Jäger & Sammler in der zeitgenössischen Kunst", Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen.
"Wundercamera", Holden Gallery, Manchester.
"Back to Eden: Contemporary Artists Wander the Garden", Museum of Biblical Art (MOBIA), New York.
"Late Harvest", Nevada Museum of Art, Reno.
"Come as You Are: Art of the 1990s", Monclair Art Musem.
"Groundwork: life spent with nature", Wave Hill Public Garden and Cultural Center, New York.
"Forecast", Virginia Commonwealth University Anderson Gallery.
"Noah's Ark", Museum Ostwall, Dortmund.
"The Trouble with Jellyfish", Le Laboratoire, Paris.
"Orders in Motion: On Collecting, Dynamic Histories, and Lost Things - 250 Years of the Dresden Art Academy, The Art Academy of Dresden, Dresden.
"New York Makers Open", Museum of Arts and Design, New York.
"Unity of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt and the Americas, Americas Society, New York.
"Wonder Cabinets / The Art of Collecting", Children's Museum of New York, New York.
"Masnion as Muse: Contemporary Art at Victorian Mansion", Victorian Mansion, Portland, Maine.
"Beyond Earth Art: Contemporary Artists and the Environment", curated by Andre Inselman, Cornell University, Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca.
"The Invisible Hand: Curating as Gesture", The 2nd CAFAM Biennale, CAFA Art Museum, Beijing.
"Take It or Leave It: Institution, Image, Ideology", curated by Johanna Burton and Anne Ellegood, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles.
"GYRE: The Plastic Ocean", Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, Alaska.

"AMERICANA: Desiring Landscape", Perez Art Museum, Miami.
"Arquelogica", Matadero Madrid Contemporary Art Center, Madrid.
"EXPO 1: New York", organized by Klaus Biesenbach with Christopher Y. Lew and Lizzie Gorfaine, MoMA PS1, New York.
"Beyond the Wunderkammer", The Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University, Boston.
"The Maritime Artist", Porthemor Studios, St. Ives, Cornwall.
"FREMD & EIGEN", Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck.
"Aquatopia: The Imaginary of the Ocean Deep", Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham.
"EMSCHERKUNST.2013", Essen.
"Yes Naturally. How art saves the world", Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, Den Haag.

dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel.
"1. Bienal de Montevideo 2012", Bienal de Montevideo, Montevideo.
"BIOS - Konzepte des Lebens in der zeitgenössischen Skulptur", Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin.
"More Real? Art in the Age of Truthiness", SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe.
"Chaotic Trajectories", Temporary Gallery Cologne, Köln.
"Über den Dilettantismus / On Dilettantism", ACC Weimar, Weimar.
"Living with Art", Galerie Reinhard Hauff, Stuttgart.
"La Triennale", Palais de Tokyo, Paris.
"iRonic. Die feinsinnige Ironie der Kunst", Städtische Galerie, Bietigheim-Bissingen.
"More to Tell", Museum Het Domein, Sittard.
"Der zweite Blick. Sammlung in Bewegung", Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund.
"Belvedere - Warum ist Landschaft schön?", Arp Museum - Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen.

"Windflower, Perception of Nature", Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo.
"Voyage on uncanny Seas", Gallery Diet, Miami (curated by Mark Dion).
"Zur Nachahmung empfohlen!", Städtische Galerie im Rathausfletz, Neuburg an der Donau.
"Asien Afrika Europa Amerika. Kontintaldurchquerungen von Bob Braine & Mark Dion u.a", GFLK - Galerie für Lanschaftskunst, Hamburg.
"Belvedere: Why is Landscape Beautiful?", Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen.
"Site Inspection. The Museum on the Museum", Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest.
"Zwei Sammler. Thomas Olbricht und Harald Falckenberg", Deichtorhallen, Hamburg.
"iRonic. Die feinsinnige Ironie der Kunst", Kunstpalais, Erlangen.
"Vermessung der Welt", Kunsthaus Graz, Graz.
"The Luminous Interval", Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilbao.
"Investigation of a dog. works from the FACE collections, Magasin 3, Stockholm Konsthall, Stockholm.
"(re)designing nature", Künstlerhaus Wien, Wien.

“Michael Beutler & Friends”, Galerie Christian Nagel, Antwerpen.
"ART FOUNDATION MALLORCA Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung AFM", Centro Cultural Andratx, Mallorca.
"Weltwissen. 300 Jahre Wissenschaften in Berlin", Walter Gropius Bau, Berlin.
"Dopplereffekt. Bilder in Kunst und Wissenschaft", Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel.
"Travels of William Bartram - Reconsidered", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
"The Morning After- The Prompt", The Silver Shed, New York.
"Emscherkunst 2010", Norsternpark Gelsenkirchen.
"Théorie des modèles / Art & science: trop simple, trop complexe", Espace d’éxposition de la Head, Genf.
"Serpula Lacrymans", Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg.
"Weißer Schimmel / You can observe a lot by watching", Sammlung Falckenberg, Hamburg-Harburg.

"Rummaging in the garbage. Waste and recycling in contemporary art", Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, San Sebastian, Spanien.
"Ferne Nähe. ‚Natur’ in der Kunst der Gegenwart", Kunstmuseum Bonn.
"Be sure to attend carefully to what I have to say to you", Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg.
"en vue...des manières de voir. la nature mise en images et en vitrine", Passerelle, Centre d´art, Brest.
"Schöne neue Welt", Museum modernen Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien.
"N´importe Quoi/Everything", Musée d´Art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon.
"Summer Show", Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.

"Struggle for life - Artenwandel und Artensterben im Anthropozän", ERES-Stiftung, München.
"Die Tropen. Ansichten von der Mitte der Weltkugel", Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin.
"Die Tropen. Ansichten von der Mitte der Weltkugel", Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin.
"observing beast, time, evolution. Kunst und Naturwissenschaft", Kunstverein Hildesheim, Hildesheim.
"observing beast, time, evolution. Kunst und Naturwissenschaft", Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildsheim.
"Human/Nature", Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego.
Biennale of Sydney 08, Sydney
"Tales of Time and Space", Folkstone Triennial, Folkestone, GB.
"Revolutions - Forms That Turn. Biennale of Sydney 2008", Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.
"Everything vs. Nothing", Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York.
"Genesis - Die Kunst der Schöpfung", Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern.
"NéoFutur", Les Abattoirs, Toulouse.
"Les Frères Chapuisat & Le Collectif 1.0.3-Mort ou vivant", Galerie Insitu, Paris.
"Laurent Tixador & Abraham Poincheval", In Situ/Fabienne Leclerc, Paris.
"Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil. Bird´s eye view", Galerie Insitu, Fabienne Leclerc, Paris.
"Estratos", kuratiert von Nicholas Bourriaud Pac Murcia, Spanien.

"Idylle", National Gallery, Prag.
"Feldversuche. Kunst und Natur in der Seegeniederung Gartow", Westwendischer Kunstverein e.V., Gartow.
"Seestücke 2. Von Max Beckmann bis Gerhard Richter", Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg.
"Futures", Bloomberg Space, London.
"Say It Isn´t so. Naturwissenschaften im Visier der Kunst", Neues Museum Weserberg, Bremen.
"Die Stadt von Morgen. Beiträge zu einer Archäologie des Hansaviertels Berlin", Akademie der Künste, Berlin.

"Drawings as a Process in Contemporary Art", Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago.
"Artists and Specimens: Documenting Contemporary Experience", The Hoffmann Gallery of Contemporary Art, Lewis and Clark College, Oregon.
"The Unhumane Society", Momenta Art, Brooklyn, New York.
"Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale", Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston.
"Ecotopia: The 2nd ICP Triennal of Photography and Video", International Center of Photography, New York.
"After Cage Künstlerintervention", Marres, Centrum voor Contemporaine Cultuur, Maastricht.
"site samples # 1 & 2", Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg.
Sammlung Grässlin, Räume für Kunst, St. Georgen, Deutschland.
"Zerstörte Welten und die Utopie der Rekonstruktion", Kunstraum Dornbirn, Dornbirn, Österreich.
"Sammlung in Bewegung. Neue Räume II", Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund.

"Jagdsalon", Kunstverein Ettlingen, Ettlingen.
"Controlled",Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.
"Drawing from the Modern 1975-2005", The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
"Gotik und Moderne im Dialog. 1500-2000", Ausstellung der Sammlung K-raum Daxer / Lorenz in der Fränkischen Galerie Kronach, Festung Rosenberg, Kronach.
"Becoming Animal: Contemporary Art in the Animal Kingdom", MASS MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts.
"Gordon Matta-Clark:Odd Lots", Queens Museum of Art, NY.
"Birdspace: A Post-Audubon Artists Aviary",Tuscon Museum of Art.
"Our Surroundings", Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee.
"Desenhos: A-Z (Drawings: A-Z), Coleccao Madeira Corporate Services,Porta 33, Funchal, Ilha da Madeira, Portugal.
"Showcase: Contemporary Art for the UK", City Art Centre and Talbot Rice Gallery, Edinbburg, Scotland.
"Herbert Fuchs (1987-2005), Kunsthalle Wien, project wall, Wien.
"Down the Garden Path: The Artist´s Garden After Modernism", Queens Museum of Art, Queens.
"Alchemy", The Manchester Museum, Manchester.
"Contemporary Erotic Drawing", The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield.
"Akademie. Kunst lehren und lernen", Kunstverein in Hamburg, Hamburg.

Sao Paulo Bienal, Sao Paulo.
"Election", American Fine Arts, Co., Colin de Land Fine Art, New York.
"For the Birds", Artspace, New Haven.
"From Above", Galerie Georg Kargl, Wien.
"braunschweig parcours 2004: Cosima von Bonin, Tom Burr, Mark Dion, Isa Genzken, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Jorge Pardo, Tobias Rehberger, Pedro Reyes, Andreas Slominski, Ina Weber, Franz West, Joseph Zehrer", Braunschweig.
"Field. Science, Technology and Nature", Socrates Sculpture Park, Long Island City, NY.
"Past Presence: Contemporary Reflections on the Main Line", Main Line Art Center, Philadelphia.

"De l´homme et des insectes", Espace EDF Electra, Paris.
"Hommage Jean-Henri Fabre", Muséum d´histoire naturelle, Paris.
"Mapping a City: Hamburg-Kartierung", Kunstverein in Hamburg.
"Artist´s Lecture as Performance", Whitechapel Art Gallery, London.
"Global Priority", Herter-Art Gallery, Amherst.
"Magic of Trees", De Zonnehof, Amersfort.
Künstlerisches Freilandlabor Seegeniederung", Westwendischer Kunstverein in Gatow.
"Hands up, Baby, Hands up", Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg.
"A Short History of Performance - Part II", Whitechapel Gallery, London.
"Messe in der Galerie", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.

„The House of Fiction“, Sammlung Hauser und Wirth, St. Gallen, CH.
„Hell-grün“, 30 Kunstprojekte um den Düsseldorfer Hofgarten, Düsseldorf.
„Site Lines“, Adison Gallery and Andover Historian Society, Andover.
„Museutopia (Seven Lamps of Utopia“, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum der Stadt Hagen, Hagen.
„Concrete Jungle“, Gorney Bravin & Lee, New York.
„Ökonomien der Zeit“, Museum Ludwig, Köln.
„Weisse Jacke“, Agentur für zeitgenössische Kunst, Hamburg.
„The Ladies’ Field Club of York, Christine Burgin Gallery, New York.

"Lateral Thinking: Art of the 1990s", Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego.
„Museum as Subject“, The National Museum of Art, Osaka.
„Fresh Kills“, Snug Harbor Center for Contemporary Art, New York.

"Crossing the Line", The Queens Museum of ARt, New York.
„American Art Today: Fantasies & Curosities“, The Art Museum at Florida International University Miami.
„The Shape of the World, The End of the Workd“, Pac Padiglione d’arte Contemporanea di Milano, Mailand.
„Insite 2000“, San Diego, California.
„The Swamp: On The Edge of Edge“, Samuel P. Hearn Museum of Art, Univ. Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
„Paradise Now“, Exit Art, New York.
„Ecologies“, The Smart Museum of Art, Univ. of Chicago, Illinois.
„Ecologically Concerned, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, New York.
„Desert & Transit“, Schleswig – Holsteinischer Kunstverein, Kunsthalle zu Kiel.
„Durchreise“ Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.
„Herausforderung Tier, von Beuys bis Kabakov“, Städtische Galerie
„Small World, Dioramas in Contemporary Art“, Museum of Contemorary Art, San Diego, La Jolla, CA.
„Nothing“, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York.

„Falster Versuchsgelände“, Kasseler Kunstverein.
„Archives Laboratoire“, Kunstverein Heilbronn.
„Carnegie International“, Pittsburgh.
„Skulptur-Biennale im Münsterland“.
„La Ville, le Jardin, la Mémoire“, Villa Medici, Rom.
„Natural Reality. Künstlerische Positionen zwischen Natur und Kultur“, Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen.
„The Museum as Muse“, Museum of Modern Art, New York.
„Art of Knowledge“, VII. Deutscher Wirtschaftskongress, Köln.
Museum of Art, Tel Aviv, Israel.
“1999 Drawings”, Alexander and Bonin, NYC.
“Hiriya in the Museum”, Artists’ and Architects’ proposals for Rehabilitation of the Site”, Tel Aviv, Israel, (Zusammenarbeit mit Nils Norman).
“Weird Science: A Conflation of Art and Science”, Cranbrook Art Museum, Michigan (Kat.).

„I love New York“, Museum Ludwig, Köln.
"Post naturam - nach der Natur", Geologisch-Paläontologisches Museum, Münster.
"The Natural World", Vancouver Art Gallery.

„Skulptur. Projekte in Münster 1997“, Münster.
„Campo 6, The Spiral Village“, Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, Netherlands, und Galleria d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Turin.
"Città Natura", Palazzo delle Esposizioni and Museo Zoologico, Roma.
Nordic Pavilion, Biennale di Venezia.

„Berechenbarkeit der Welt“, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn.
„Sanssouci“, Frigo, Paris.
„Cabines de Bain“, Piscine de la Motte, Fribourg.
"Hybrids", De Appel, Amsterdam.
"21st Century Sculpture", John Givson Galllery, New York.

"Aufforderung in schönster Weise", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
"Das Ende der Avantgarde. Kunst als Dienstleistung", Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, München.
"It´s not a picture", Galleria Emi Fontana, Mailand.
"Platzwechsel", Kunsthalle Zürich (mit Ursula Biemann, Tom Burr, Christian Philipp Müller), Kunsthaus Zürich.
"Mapping: A Response to MoMA", American Fine Arts Co., New York.
"Zeichen und Wunder/ Signos y Milagros", Kunsthaus Zürich; Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela.

"Cocido y Crudo", Reina Sofia, Madrid.
"Temporary Translation - Sammlung Schürmann", Deichtorhallen, Hamburg.
"The Media & Art Exhibition", Magic Media Company, Köln-Hürth.
"Klima Global - Arte Amazonas", Museum Ludwig, Aachen.
"Pro-Creation?", Centre d´Art Contemporain/Kunsthalle, Fribourg.
"Sommerakademie München - Eine freie Akademie auf Zeit", kuratiert von Stephan Dillemuth, Kunstverein München.
"Résidence Secondaire", Carré Saint-Nicolas, Paris.
"Services", Kunstverein München.
"Don´t Look Now", kuratiert von Joshua Decter, Thread Waxing Space, New York.
„Frauenkunst/Männerkunst“, Kunstverein Kippenberger, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel.
"Garbage", Real Art Ways, Hartford.
"Green", Torch, Amsterdam
"Concrete Jungle", Marc Jancou Gallery, London.

"Unité / Sonsbeek / Biennale 1993, Dokumentation", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
"Simply Made in America", Aldrich Museum for Contemporary Art, Ridgefield."fireproof/feuerfest", kuratiert von Petra Stilper, Projekt der/project of the "Wandelhalle" e.V., Forum für Kunst, Köln.
"Kontext Kunst/Context Art", Kuratiert von Peter Weibel, Künstlerhaus + Fabrik Lastenstrasse, Graz.
"Kunst - Kultur - Ökologie", Bea Voigt Galerie München.
"Restaurant La Bocca", kuratiert von Marc Jancou, Paris.
"On Taking a Normal Situation", Muhka, Antwerpen.
"Das Fremde - Der Gast", Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz.
"Grafica 1", Innsbruck.
"Kinder", Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, München.
"Project Unité", kuratiert von Yves Aupetitallot, Firminy.
"Spielhölle, Esthétique et Violence", Galerie Sylvana Lorenz, Paris.
Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin.
Serial, Zürich.
"Animals", Galerie Tanya Rumpf, Haarlem, Netherlands.
"Parallax View: New York - Cologne", Goethe House and P.S.1, New York.
"Klima Global - Arte Amazonas", Staatlichen Kunsthalle Berlin.
"Travelogue - Reisetagebuch", kuratiert von Jackie McAllister, Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst,Wien.
"Spielhölle", Grazer Kunsthalle, Graz.
Group Show organisiert von Tim Neuger, Galerie Max Hetzler, Köln.
"Culture in Action", Sculpture, Chicago.
"Sonsbeek 93", Arnhom.
"What Happened to the Institutional Critique", American Fine Arts Co., New York.
"Concrete Jungle", Ezra and Cecile Zilka Gallery, Center for the Arts, Wesleyan University, Middletown.
"Transgessions in the White Cube: Territorial Mappings", Bennington College, Vermont.

"Concrete Jungle", Galerie Tanja Grunert, Köln.
"Animals", Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris.
“Molteplici Culture”, Convento di S. Egidio, Rom.
“Nos Sciences Naturelles”, Fri-Art Centre D’Art Contemporain, Fribourg.
"Arte Amazonas", Museo de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin.
"Under Thirty", kuratiert von Erik Oppenheim, Galerie Metropol, Wien.
"Translation", Centrum Sztuki Wspotczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warschau.
„Americas/Plus Ultra“, Monasteiro de Santa Clara, Moguer.
„Forgiving Ground: Symposa on Engaging the Public and Rethinking Exhibition Approaches", Thread Waxing Space, New York.
„Animals“, Kubinski, Köln.
„Natural Science“, John Gibson Gallery, New York.
"Spielhölle", Universitätsbibliothek, B-Ebene, Frankfurt.
"Proiezioni", Buchholz und Buchholz, Köln.
"oh! cet écho!", Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris.
"Wohnzimmer/Büro", Galerie Christian Nagel, Köln.
“Twenty Fragile Pieces”, Galerie Analix-B &l Pollla, Genf.
“True Stories: Part II”, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London.
“Proporsals for the Museum of Natural History”, Pat Hearn Gallery, New York.
"Arte Joven en Nueva York", Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, Sala Mendoza; Sala R. G., Caracas.
"The Hirsch Farm Project", Hillsboro.

"Bärenlese: Zum Wesen des Teddys", Ruhrlandmuseum der Stadt Essen, Essen.
"Counter-Media", Key Gallery, Virginia.
"Sweet Dreams", Babara Toll Fine Art, New York.
"Arte Joven en Nueva York", kuratiert von Gavin Brown, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, Caracas.
"True Life", kuratiert von Gavin Brown, 303 Gallery, New York.
"Art..not News", project conceived by Mark Dion, coordinated by A. Pasternak, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT, published in the HartfordCourant, June 1991.
“Mud, True to Life”, 303 Gallery, New York.
“The Hirsch Farm Project”, Hillsboro, Wisconsin.
Diane Brown Gallery, New York.
"In the Beginning", kuratiert von Bill Radawec, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Cleveland, OH.
Mark Dion mit William Schefferine, American Fine Arts, Co., New York.
"The (Un)Making of Nature", Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown, New York.
"The Cologne Show", Köln.
"Art Supplies and Utopia", Galerie Ralph Wernicke, Stuttgart.
"Biodiversity", Wexner Center for Visual Arts, Ohio.
„Commitment", The Power Plant, Toronto.
"Videoworks", Galleri Nordanstad-Skarstedt, Stockholm.

"End of the Weather", Randolph Street Gallery, Chicago.
"The Elements: Sex, Politics, Money & Religion", Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT.
"Pathétique", Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf.
« Le Magasin, L´Ecolé L´Exposition »,LeMagasin, Grenoble.
"Perspektivismus", (kuratiert von Christian Nagel) Galerie Bleich-Rossi, Graz.
"The Desire of the Museum", Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown at the Federal Reserve Plaza , New York.
"Here and There: Travels", The Clocktower Gallery, New York.
"Artful History: A Restoration Comedy", by Mark Dion and Jason Simon, Premier at Collective for Living Cinema, New York.
Xavier Hufkens Gallery, Brüssel.
"After the Gold Rush", Milford Gallery, New York.
American Fine Arts Co., New York.

"Poetic Justice", Ward Nasse Gallery, New York.
"The Pop Project Part IV, Nostalgia As Resistance", TheClocktower, New York.
"Artists & Curators", selected by Jerry Saltz, John Gibson Gallery, N.Y.

"Fake!", The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.
"The Castle", Group Material Exhibit at Documenta VIII, Kassel.
303 Gallery, New York.
"New Concepts of Art in Public Space", Sonne Galerie, Berlin.

"Rooted Rhetoric", Lia Rumma Gallery, Neapel.
"Cutting `Em Off at the Pass", Atlanta Arts Festival, Atlanta, GA.
"The Fairy Tale: Politics, Desire and Everyday Life", Artists Space, N.Y.

Four Walls, Hoboken, New Jersey.
"Whitney Independent Study Program Show", The Whitney Museum of American Art, I.S.P., New York.
"Transitional Objects", Philip Nelson Gallery, Lyon.


Mark Dion, "Tree of Life", for Herbricht, commissioned by Art on the Meuse, Belgium (ongoing)
Mark Dion, "The Witches’ Cottage", Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen

Mark Dion, “The Accused”, 2020, commissioned installation for Verbeke Foundation, Belgium (ongoing)
Mark Dion, “Bureau de l’ornthologue”, 2020, commissioned installation for Musee Gassendi, Digne-les-Bains,  France (ongoing)

"Virginia Curiosity Shop: a Mark Dion Project for UVA", The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.
"The Kampong", National Tropical Botanical Garden, Coconut Grove, FL (side-specific commission).
"The Conservator's Cupboard", Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY.
"Exploratory Works: Drawings from the Department of Tropical Research Field Expenditions", co-curated with Katherine McLeod and Madeleine Thompson, The Drawing Center, New York, NY.



Mark Dion: "The Perilous Texas Adventures of Mark Dion", Yale University Press, 2020

"The Incomplete Writing Of Mark Dion – Selected Interviews, Fragments And Miscellany", published by Fieldwork Museum, 2018
“Mark Dion: Theatre of the Natural World”, Published by Whitechapel Gallery. Text by Iwona Blazwick, Marion Endt-Jones, Chelsea Kinchin-Swithh, Petra Lange-Berndt, Ben Luke, Magnus af Petersens, Candy Stobbs, Gilda Williams. Featuring a short story by Andrea Barrett, May 2018

Petra Lange-Berndt, Dietmar Rübel (Ed.): “Mark Dion. The Academy of Things”, published by Walther König, Köln 2015.

Line Ulekleiv (Ed.): “Mark Dion. DEN”, Published by Forlaget Press. Preface and interview by Svein Rønning. Foreword by Jan Andresen. Text by Petra Lange-Berndt, Jon-Ove Steihaug, Dag O. Hessen, 2013

“Mark Dion. The Aceanomania”, 2011.

“Mark Dion. Travels of Bartram: Reconsidered”, 2008.
Dieter Buchhart und Verena Camper (Ed.): “Mark Dion. Concerning Hunting”, Kat. Kunstraum Dornbirn, Dornbirn 2008: Aarhus Kunstbygning, Aarhus 2008: Galleria Civica di Modena, Modena 2009: Hubert-Gerisch-Stiftung Neumünster, 2009: Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern 2008.

“Mark Dion. The Natural History of the Museum”, Caré d’Art Musée d’art Contemporain, Nîmes: Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg: Seedamm Kulturzentrum, Pfäffikon SZ: Paris 2007.

”Cabinet of Curiosities. Mark Dion and the University as Installation”, (hrsg. v. Colleen J. Sheeny), Minneapolis/ London, 2006.
“Jagdsalon”, Kat. Kunstverein Ettlingen 2005 / Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Bethanien, Berlin 2006, Hachenburg 2005.
“Mark Dion. Bureau of the Centre fort the Study of Surrealism and its Legacy”, 2006.

“Mark Dion. Polar Bears (Ursus Maririmus)”, 2004.
“Past Presence: Contemporary on the Main Line”, Kat. Main Line Art Center, Philadelphia 2004.

“Mark Dion. Field Guide to the Wildlife of Madison Square Park”, 2003.
“Mark Dion. Drawings, Journals, Photographs, Souviniers, and Trophies 1990-2003”, 2003.
“Mark Dion. Microcosmographia: Mark Dion’s Chamber od Curiosities”, 2003.
Mark Dion - Encyclomania”, Villa Merkel, Galerien der Stadt Esslingen, Bonner Kunstverein, Kunstverein Hannover 2002/03, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, Nürnberg 2003.

“Mark Dion: New England Digs”, published by the Fuller Museum of Art, Brockton, MA, 2001.

“American Art Today: Fantasies and Curiosities”, hrsg. Von Floridas International University Art Museum, 2000, p. 26.
“The Museum of Poison”, Bonakdar Jancou Gallery, in Time Out, New York, April 20-27 2000.

Coles, Alex/Dion, Mark (Hrsg.): “Mark Dion. Archaeology”, London 1999.
“The Museum as Muse. Artists Reflect”, The Museum of Modern Art. New York. 18, September 1999 - 2. January 2000. Hrsg. v. Kynaston McShine. New York 1999.

Corinn, Lisa Graziose: Kwon, Miwon: Bryson, Norman: “Mark Dion”, Phaidon Press, London 1997.
Ikon Gallery (ed.): “Natural History And Other Fictions”, Birmingham, 1997 (danach im Kunstverein Hamburg und in der De Appel Foundation, Amsterdam).

“Mark Dion. Concrete Jungle”, 1996.
“Berechenbarkeit der Welt”, Bonner Kunstverein 1996.

“Platzwechsel”, Kunsthalle Zürich 1995.

Weibel, Peter (ed.), “Kontext Kunst. The Art of the 90's”, Köln, 1994.
“Parallax View. Cologne - New York”, P.S. 1, Long Island, New York, 1994.

Dion, Mark, “Die Wunderkammer”, K-raum Daxer, München 1993.
Dion, Mark, Rockman, Alexis: Braine, Bob: “Concrete Jungle”, Ezra and Cecile
Zilkha Gallery, Center for the Arts, Wesleyan University, Middletown: CT, 1993 (with B.Braine, A.Rockman).

“Baerenlese”, Ruhrlandmuseum Essen, 1991.

Molesworth, Helen, “The Art of Environment Activism”, The (Un)Making of Nature, exhibition catalogue, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown at the Federal Reserve Plaza, New York, 1990, p. 15-18.
“Art Supplies and Utopia”, Ausstellungskatalog,Galerie Ralph Wernicke, Stuttgart, 1990
Folland, Tom, “Comwithment”, exhibition catalogue, The Power Plant, Toronto, 1990, p. 17-19.

McAllister, Jackie and Weil, Benjamin, “The Museum under Analysis”, The Desire of the Museum, exhibition catalogue, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown at the Federal Reserve Plaza, New York 1989, p. 10-13.

Olander, William, “Fake: A Meditation of Authenticity”, Fake, exhibition catalogue, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1987, p. 18-20.

Jones, Roland, “Cutting `Em Off at the Pass”, exhibition catalogue, 33rd Arts Festival of Atlanta, 1986, p.43.