Alf Lechner
Galerie Nagel Draxler is pleased to announce the representation of the Alf Lechner Estate.
Alf Lechner (* April 17, 1925 in Munich; † Februar 25, 2017) was one of Europe’s most important steel sculptures. In the 60 years of his career Lechner created about 800 sculptural works, and 4.500 drawings. His works are placed in a large number of highly established museum collections, like Kunstsammlung NRW Düsseldorf, Lehmbruck-Museum, Duisburg, Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Städtische Galerie im Lehnbachhaus, Munich, a.o..
The philosophy of the 80s disputed distinctly about the „theories of the sublime“ due to a crucial chapter of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Judgement. The sublime is not stated there as a badly balanced hierarchical elitism, but rather as a moment of sensory overwhelm in the face of intense sensation during the perception of the experience. And this is nothing more and nothing less than the definition of aesthetic experience.
Alf Lechner once said, he is interested in simplicity, because simplicity is highly complex – Beckett and Thomas Bernhard knew that too. Cube cuts, surfaces, cubes, cuboids. Unfolded, retracted, layered, condensed. The surfaces of Lechner’s sculptures are usually defined by the procedures of industrial processing of steal and its physical features. No pretentious fuss but respect and libidinous charge of reality. Not performance but power. Therefore most of Lechner’s works, particularly the enormous ones, are made of massive material. Their volume is steel volume not room volume. The stored energy is directed to nothing. It is pure resistance. The madness culminates in their immobility making the encounter an aesthetic experience.
We are happy to announce that our first solo gallery exhibition titled „Alf Lechner. Estate“ will open at our Berlin space on Friday, June 21st 2019.
Abdulnassser Gharem
Galerie Nagel Draxler (Berlin/Cologne) is pleased to announce the representation of Saudi Arabian artist Abdulnasser Gharem.
Abdulnasser Gharem (*1973, Saudi Arabia) is a canvas to construct a social critique, often by welcoming collaboration and involving the community within his projects. As a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Saudi Arabian Army, themes of control and authority can be felt within this work, as well as a desire to preserve and respect the history upon which traditional art is built. Gharem’s conceptual work not only references his heritage but is also politically and socially astute.
At this years’s Art Basel Unlimited, Abdulnasser Gharem presented his project “The Safe”, a walk-in installation reminding of the Kashoggi murder (presented by Nagel Draxler Gallery in collaboration with Brigitte Schenk Gallery, see here)
Recent international solo shows include the Sharjah Art Museum, UAE (2018); LACMA, Los Angeles, USA (2017) among others in London, Dubai, Abha, and Jeddah.
We are happy to announce that our first solo gallery exhibition with Abdulnasser Gharem will take place at our Berlin space during Berlin Gallery Weekend 2020.
Stephan Dillemuth, Martha Rosler: Fellbach Triennale
curated by Dr. Brigitte Franzen
1. Juni – 23. September 2019
14. Triennale Kleinplastik 2019, Fellbach
Luke Willis Thompson: Hysterical Strength
30. Mai – 1. September 2019
GAMeC – Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo
Keren Cytter: Size Matters
Keren Cytter „Size Matters“ and Cytter/Roebas „Detour“
6. Juni – 14. Juli 2019
Hamlet, Zürich.
Mit Buchvorstellung: „Tel Aviv – Jerusalem Diary“ von und mit Keren Cytter & Antonio Grulli
Sonntag, 9. Juni 2019, 14-16 Uhr
Andrea Fraser: 2016 in Museums, Money, and Politics
Book Launch & Conversation with Jarrett Gregory
3. Mai 2019, 19 Uhr
Galerie Nagel Draxler, Berlin
Christian Philipp Müller: Tools for Heroes
Eröffnung: 3. Mai 2019
Hugenottenhaus, Kassel
Pedro Wirz: a curbing wall of debrislandfilling
4. Mai – 23. Juni 2019
Kunsthaus Langenthal, Schweiz
An Exhibition of Jewelry by Gabi Dziuba curated by Clémentine Deliss and Alexander Hidalgo with paintings by Hans-Jörg Mayer
Thursday, 25th April 2019
5pm – 8pm
Dzuiba Jewels
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 25, 10178 Berlin
Metal Brains, Blaue Bohnen, Cash, Love, Hyper Hyper, Matchsticks and Monkeys and early designs from the 1980s Collaborations with Monika Baer, Dirk Bell, Hans-Jörg Mayer, Joseph Zehrer, Heimo Zobernig
Dziuba Jewels, Berlin
Lutz Braun: Emotionalmuseum
Lutz Braun, Clémence de la Tour du Pin
06. April – 1. Mai 2019
nationalmuseum, Berlin