Heimo Zobernig Galería Agustina Ferreyra in collaboration with Galerie Nagel Draxler
12/12/2014 – 31/01/2015
Opening Reception: December 11th, 2014, 6-9 pm
For information please contact the gallery at info@agustinaferreyra.com
Galería Agustina Ferreyra LLC
750 Ave. Fernández Juncos
Local 1. San Juan, PR 00907
t + (787) 302 0071
m + (787) 361 6046
Gallery Hours: Wed-Sat 12-6 pm and by appointment

Installationsansicht, 2014-2015
Galeria Agustina Ferreyra, Puerto Rico
Installationsansicht, 2014-2015
Galeria Agustina Ferreyra, Puerto Rico
Installationsansicht, 2014-2015
Galeria Agustina Ferreyra, Puerto Rico