Martha Rosler Artist Talk with Sophie Goltz
17.00 Uhr
Galerie Nagel Draxler
Weydingerstraße 2/4
10178 Berlin
Press Release
Martha Rosler works in video, photography, text, installation, and performance. Her work focuses on the public sphere, exploring issues from everyday life and the media to architecture and the built environment, especially as they affect women. Rosler has for many years produced works on war and the national security climate, connecting life at home with the conduct of war abroad, in which her photomontage series played a critical part. She has also published several books of photographs, texts, and commentary on public space, ranging from airports and roads to housing and gentrification. A retrospective of her work has been shown internationally, and her writing is published widely in publications such as Artforum, e-flux journal, and Texte zur Kunst. In 2012 she presented the Meta-Monumental Garage Sale at MoMA in New York. In 2013, her book of essays, Culture Class, which deals with the role of artists in cities and gentrification, was published by e-flux and Sternberg Press. Most recently, she produced the exhibition and public project Guide for the Perplexed: How to Succeed in the New Poland at the CCA Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Poland.
„Greenpoint“ is our 5th solo exhibition with Martha Rosler since 1999.
Martha Rosler lives and works in Brooklyn, New York
Sophie Goltz lives and works in Berlin and Hamburg as curator, author, and lecturer. In 2014 she was appointed as Stadtkuratorin Hamburg (curator of the City of Hamburg). Since 2008 she has been working at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), where she also worked as Head of Communication and Public Programs until 2013. Curatorial and educational project include among others, Documenta 11, Documenta 12 (Kassel, 2002, 2007), DRESDENPostplatz (Dresden, 2003), Berlin Biennale (2004), Projekt Migration (Zurich/Cologne, 2004/2005), a.o.). Goltz teaches at the University of Arts Hamburg and writes regularly for art agenda, springerin, and Texte zur Kunst.