12/09/2019 – 15/09/2019
art berlin 2019
12–15 September 2019
Flughafen Tempelhof: Hangar 5 and 6
Tempelhofer Damm 45
12101 Berlin
art berlin Website
Opening Hours
Thursday 12 September: noon – 4 pm Professional Preview
Thursday 12 September: 4 – 8 pm Opening
Friday 13 September: 11 am – 7 pm
Saturday 14 September: 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday 15 September: 11 am – 6 pm
Press Release
Nagel Draxler @ Booth 1.G.4
with works by:
Anna Fasshauer | Christine Wang
– Preview and Prices on request –
CHRISTINE WANG: Leonardo DiCaprio Global Warming Memes
The series Leonardo DiCaprio Global Warming Memes are acrylic on canvas paintings of found memes about climate change made with photos of Leonardo DiCaprio. Both the images and text are appropriated.
Leonardo DiCaprio is known for his charitable work that champions environmental causes. Despite his activism, the internet still makes fun of his conspicuous consumption. Are the words in the paintings an accurate depiction of reality? Does Leo really own a yacht? Does he really use a private jet plane six times in six weeks? I don't think it matters. The paintings don't just depict Leo, they depict hypocrisy. The hypocrisy is accurate. If I believe that climate change is an existential crisis and continue to paint, use plastic, fly in planes and ship paintings to Art Berlin via air freight then I am a hypocrite.
A student from India who was studying in San Francisco remarked to me that these paintings reminded him of how he felt when he was learning how to develop photographic prints. He remembered the water shortages of his home and felt horrified while washing the prints in liters of water. He said it was "a waste." He saw the professors at his school that taught ecology and was surprised that they still flew in planes and drove cars. We stood in front of the paintings together and we both felt bitter, sad and empty. We felt this way not because of Leo but because of our own behavior.
– Christine Wang
ANNA FASSHAUER (*1975 in Köln) beherrscht das Medium und den Verlauf ihrer Produktion mit eigenen Händen.
Ihre Skulpturen entstehen direkt im Arbeitsprozess mit dem Material. Das Physische dieses Vorgehens wirkt im alles verschlingenden Strudel abstrakter, neoliberalistischer Effizienz- und Profitmaximierung subversiv.
Als “essayistische Skulpturen” möchte die Künstlerin ihre Arbeiten verstanden wissen. Dies klingt angesichts der großen bildnerischen Prägnanz ihrer Metallgebilde wie ein Widerspruch. Ihre aus Aluminium- oder Edelstahlblechen gearbeiteten Skulpturen wirken wie präzise vorausgedachte abstrakte Formen, deren Umsetzung ein großes Maß an Kraft und Kontrolle voraussetzt. Im Gegenteil arbeitet Fasshauer aber auf dem schmalen Grat zwischen Intuition und Prozess, einem „stream of consciousness“ folgend, der jederzeit die Form wechseln kann.