stay alive till 25 #30yearsofnageldraxler
01/01/2020 – 31/12/2020

Colin de Land and Christian Nagel, 2002
Press Release
Understandably online viewing rooms are popping up everywhere to fill the horror vacui of an art world that is slowing down radically.
We would like to take you on a different journey, and invite you to share the story of our gallery, a gallery that survived a number of severe crises in the past, and that is still here.
Maybe some of you will find this story encouraging.
As 2020 marks our 30th anniversary, we began to look back into our archives and into a past that was documented mainly by ectachromes.
Under the hashtag #30yearsofnageldraxler we have been publishing posts from the beginning of the gallery on Instagram.
Most of the short texts are written by Christian Nagel from his memory. You will notice, that this is not perfectly edited content, but memory never is.
Christian's friend and colleague, Colin de Land, in difficult times once coined the saying "Stay alive till 95!“
Now, that we are likely facing a massive worldwide recession, we wish you all to stay alive till 25.
It's important!
Yours sincerely,
Saskia Draxler & Christian Nagel
Follow us on Instagram @nageldraxler